Before: Patient needs Upper Arch Rehabilitation. Presents with Upper Anterior teeth that are stained, incisal edges (tooth edge) are worn down and chipped, and gumline recession is present.
After: Smile restored with placement of 8 Upper All Porcelain Crowns (Caps). Gumline and incisal edges are now uniform. Patient now has longer, better shaped teeth to enhance the smile line and aid in chewing/biting function.
Patient Photos Depicting:
Note: Patients depicted in photos have provided their consent to display their pictures online. Results may vary.
Before: Patient was not happy with her smile, had a lot of discolored fillings, staining, and wanted to improve her overall appearance.
After: Placement of all porcelain crowns and veneers to improve smile line, color, contour, and tooth angulation.
Patient Photos Depicting:
Note: Patients depicted in photos have provided their consent to display their pictures online. Results may vary.
Before: Patient has 4 Upper Anterior Crowns (caps) that are poor in color and shape.
After: Smile restored and enhanced with 4 Upper Anterior All Porcelain Crowns. The color/shade matches the patient's natural enamel and the two Central Incisors were lengthened to create a more natural smile.
Patient Photos Depicting:
Note: Patients depicted in photos have provided their consent to display their pictures online. Results may vary.
Patient desired to close spaces between front teeth and improve her smile. Porcelain veneers brightened her smile and enhanced tooth proportions.
Patient Photos Depicting:
Note: Patients depicted in photos have provided their consent to display their pictures online. Results may vary.